Hi, meet Steve. He is from Sandor and he invented the flying car. He never actually meant to invent it, but it happened while he was fixing a car. It was someone else’s car and it’s the engine was damaged. So while Steve was fixing it, he was also unaware that he was also making it fly.
Steve’s birthday is February 13. He is 25 years old. His favorite sport is Football and he watches a lot of NFL. His favorite letter is “Q.” People have come and said to him, “Q isn’t in many words. Why is it your favorite letter?” Steve just said, “It just is.”
When the person who owned the car came back and turned the car on, it floated and she said, “What happened to my car?” Steve said, “Sorry, I was just doing the necessary repairs. I didn’t mean to make it float.” She said she liked it better this way so she didn’t mind at all. She could go up super high and get anywhere without traffic. She thanked him and left, saying that she would come back if she needed any more repairs with flying problems or any other repairs.
She also asked if he could tell her what he did to make it fly to do it to her friend’s car, but he said he didn’t know what he did to make it happen. She didn’t say anything after that and went home. It had been a really surprising day, so he decided to close his repair shop early. He left a sign at the door explaining why. He ate dinner, took a shower, and then went to sleep early.
There are many more surprising things in Steve’s life, so make sure to read more stories to find out about them!