One day, Keefe was hanging out at home and watching the news. It was about the police about how cars were being stolen and that when they were returned, they were different.
“Ok Keefe, your mission is to try to find out who is taking these cars and then report it. If you need help, let us know. We are good at solving mysteries, but so are you,” said an officer named Alex.
“This isn’t going to be easy,” Keefe said. He went to his car and went to his office. It was in the public library. He managed to get a part of the building where he could go in whenever he wanted. Keefe wrote down the clues. He had noticed that the cars that were being stolen were always Teslas, they were always taken to the docks, and that they started flying when they returned.
Maybe I should start at the docks to see if there is anyone there. Cars couldn't start flying by themselves, so there must be someone there. Plus, I am thinking that the cranes that unload the ships might be throwing the cars.
So, Keefe got into his car and went to the docks. When he arrived, he went as close as possible without being seen. Keefe hid behind one of the boxes that had been unloaded from the ships. He could hear talking from farther up ahead.
“Hey guys, here is the next tesla. It’s a model three,” said one of the people. Then, he heard another voice. It was familiar, but he couldn’t put his finger on it. It said, “Ok, let me make this car fly, and then we can take it to where you found it, Bob.”
After a few minutes of waiting, the car was flying. Keefe decided to follow it. He got into his car and followed the flying car. It went to his friend’s house. This is where his friend Micheal lived. His mom did have a tesla.
Keefe went to hide in the bushes. He hid there while the two people got out of the car. One of the people was the person the familiar voice belonged to. Keefe immediately knew the person. It was Steve Flotzcar, the person who invented the flying car! He was stealing the teslas! But why was he stealing teslas of all cars? Why not other cars?
Keefe followed Steve and this other Bob person back to the docks. There were more teslas there. It seemed that Steve was talking to his team before they started on the next car. Keefe decided to go closer to them. He was nervous about being seen, but luckily, he wasn’t. He heard Steve say, "Remember what we are doing this for. We need to make less traffic on the roads. To do that, we need to make cars fly."
That's why the cars were being stolen! People didn't like the amount of traffic, so they decided to work with Steve Flotzcar and reduce the amount of traffic!
First, cars were being made by Elon. Then, they were being sold. After people bought them, they were being stolen and taken to the docks while the owners didn't notice it. When the cars were returned, they were able to fly.
When he arrived, he told the police what he had found out. He mentioned the reason that they were being stolen and the reason they were being brought back to where they were taken from. “I guess there is no reason to arrest the person behind this then,” said the officer to who he was talking. “It was a good cause, and you found that out, Keefe. Good job.”
Amit Bansalpro
Commented 08 Apr, 2022
I really like your imagination, cool stuff dudes.
Arjun Rathore
Commented 02 Apr, 2022
plus when you said he would start at the doc you should. have made there a clue not the answer
Adi Rathorepro
Replied 03 Apr, 2022
ok next time
Arjun Rathore
Commented 02 Apr, 2022
not because of traffic
Adi Rathorepro
Replied 03 Apr, 2022
yea ok
Arjun Rathore
Commented 02 Apr, 2022
I mean reason
Adi Rathorepro
Replied 03 Apr, 2022
ok, good idea
Arjun Rathore
Commented 02 Apr, 2022
you should have made a better plot
Adi Rathorepro
Replied 03 Apr, 2022